1. Will the funeral home charge me any extra fees if I purchase the casket from you?

NO. Under Federal Law the funeral home must accept our casket and not charge you any extra fees.


The consumer has the right to choose funeral goods and services without being forced to purchase them from the funeral home or provider. The funeral home or provider may not refuse or charge a fee for handling a casket that was purchased from another source.

2. I understand that you have outstanding casket prices, but is the quality just as exceptional?

Absolutely. Low overhead and buying caskets in large volume allows us to provide our customers with high-quality caskets at the lowest price. We have models in 18 gauge steel and solid wood. Casket interiors are rendered in high-quality fabric. The designs are sturdy, tasteful and dignified. We are very proud of our caskets and our customers are enthusiastic in their support.

3. Do you sell burial vaults?

No, at this time we do not sell burial vaults, we sell only affordable, cheap coffins. This may change in the future. And will update the site accordingly.

4. What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept: Checks or Cash. Checks must clear your bank before shipment or delivery.

5. What is the memory record tube?

A small plastic tube 1/2 in diameter and about 3 inches long that screws into the end of the casket. Information about the deceased is put on it and placed in the tube. If for any reason the casket ever had to be exhumed, it would not be necessary to open the casket for identification purposes.

6. Can I pick up the casket myself from your warehouse?

Yes, without any delivery fees charged to you.

7. What are your hours?

Monday through Saturday from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM. You may reach us at any time by calling our Office: 903-856-1705 or Mobile: 903-855-2542 to make appointment outside regular opening hours. Email: Triple7Caskets@gmail.com

8. Do you charge sales tax?

In the State of Texas we are required to charge sales tax. 6.75%

9. Can I cancel my order?

You may choose to cancel your wholesale casket order at any time. Returns and cancelled orders after the shipping has occurred will result in a 25% restocking fee plus the cost of any delivery and or returned delivery shipping expenses.

Orders on hold that are cancelled are still subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Triple 7 Caskets will not accept any returned casket that has been used. Our cancellation policy is valid for 5 days after delivery has been made.

10. What comes with the casket?

Everything that you see in the picture including the pillow, throw and allen wrench to lock the casket.

11. How does the locking mechanism work?

The casket comes with a 5 inch allen wrench with a handle on it. You must unscrew the end cap located at the end of the casket. Insert the allen wrench in the hole and turn it counter clock wise to unlock the casket. After 5 or 6 turns, The casket is unlocked and you can raise the lid. All funeral homes will have these allen wrenches on hand to open the casket.

12. I understand that you can add custom metal art to the casket?

We can add custom metal art accents that can be attached to the outside of the casket. They can be tractors, horses, motorcycles, as examples. We can also personalize the interior an example being hunters camouflage. Just call us and we will make every effort to accommodate your request.
Caskets $500 & up.
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Copyright 2012 Triple 7 Caskets:  Wholesale Caskets.  All Rights Reserved.
11309 US Hwy 271N, Pittsburg, TX  75686
(903) 856-1705 | Triple7Caskets@gmail.com

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